Using e-mails with your personal domain name is far more convenient and it'll give you more credibility as a company if you communicate with partners. Such an email address also looks much better in case a visitor on your website contacts you by using a reviews form and you want to answer. How simple it is to handle your email communication is as important as the quality of the service, as some website hosting Control Panels make it quite difficult and time-consuming to handle uncomplicated duties for instance enabling anti-spam protection or forwarding your emails. That's why, you should take advantage of an e-mail service that will enable you to gain access to everything easily and quickly and that will make the control over your emails quick and simple.
Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
The custom-made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, that is provided with each cloud hosting plan that we provide, was designed to help make everything simple and easy even for individuals who have never managed a website or an e-mail address before. It has a professional, still very easy to use Email Manager tool where you can easy access any attribute you need with just a couple of clicks. With quick access buttons and right-click context menus you are able to do practically everything - set up or delete a mailbox, forward all email messages to a different email, provide SPF or anti-spam protection, set-up a catch-all mailbox, and a lot more. Webmail accessibility and downloadable auto-configuration files for the most used email clients (Apple Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird) are also available in the Email Manager area of Hepsia.
Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We've put everything relevant to your emails conveniently in a single place in the Email Manager section of the custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, so when you get a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you can control your electronic communication easily. In this particular section, you're able to see a detailed list of your mailboxes indexed in alphabetical order, as well as whether any of them has anti-spam protection, forwarding or a catch-all feature activated. If not, you can enable any of these features with only a click through quick access buttons. You can even enable more complex options like mailing lists and / or SPF protection. The Email Manager will enable you to gain access to the webmail for any e-mail address with just a few clicks or to download auto-setup files for Outlook or Apple Mail.